About the event

Delta SEA Partner Event 2023
Adapt. Transform. Grow.

Welcome to Delta SEA (Southeast Asia) Partner Event 2023. This inaugural edition of the partner event brings together our valued partners in Southeast Asia and Australia. Thanks to your dedication and effort, Delta solution businesses in the region have seen healthy growth over the years. However, as a result of the prolonged pandemic, we must learn from the lessons at the height of the pandemic; and adapt and transform in order to continue our growth momentum. Therefore, this year’s event theme is Adapt. Transform. Grow. Delta would like to take this opportunity to catch up with you, discuss our future business strategy and reward our deserving partners, you, who had shown your mettle during the pandemic. See you soon in sunny Bangkok, Thailand.

SEA Economy Outlook
Hear from DELTA to share what’s challenging in the ASEAN market and where the future growth opportunities lie. How do we bring together the market opportunity to help Partners identify their own journey forward?

Success Case Sharing
Hear from our leaders on what we have accomplished together with our partners, understand the trends that we are seeing and how partners can capture these trends and grow with DELTA.

A platform for Delta partners to network and find solutions while exploring the company’s latest green energy and digital solutions.


Nikko Bangkok Hotel
(BTS Thong Lor Station, Exit 3)
Delta Plant 5 Location
Ancient City Location
Contact us
For any enquiry, please do not hesitate to contact your Delta sales representative or refer to above Emergency Contact.